Small Worlds: Reflecting Reality
For a site specific project at an old hotel in Bristol I began creating 'Small Worlds'. Making rectangular boxes 18"L x 12"W x 12" H, which were mounted on a stand set at eye level - into which I set a peep hole lens used in doors to see who is outside. I change this to looking into an interior fantasy world. E.g. in the image to the right I created a small world apparently inside a hotel corridor where a man is sitting, bereft, alone outside a door. Naturally audience members took away from these small worlds different meanings. It refers to loneliness or homelessness, some find themselves outside of society.
The Occupation: The Ashley Court Hotel, Bristol Group Project, A large scale Collaborative project - organised by a smaller group of 5 including myself - this time with 19 artists occupying 19 spaces (and all other spaces in a hotel - this was originally visualised as an Artists invasion and occupation of a semi-public space, for the good of the commons) . Each room had a different installation created by each artist. Around 1,800 people came in over one weekend.
50 Bees Project - Group show curated by Lydia Needle.
An ecological art project exhibited at ACEarts, Somerton In my research I found that cows, in the field close by my home, were eating and trampling the wild flowers (including some rare Bee Orchids) therefore the bees were denied sustenance. I concluded that beef & dairy farming is detrimental to the bees precious feeding grounds. (The wild meadows in Somerset are becoming few & far between) And for the viewer to consider the harm caused by eating beef and dairy. I wanted a shock element to my contribution, as there is a great urgency to protect bees. I needle felted several different elements, the bread the burger, the lettuce & finally a bee skewed on top creating a BEE-Burger which I placed under a glass food dome. |
Large Scale Work - a commission for a set design for Philips Electronics
This set was actually quite large: the team took three arctic lorries to the Netherlands and put this huge set that I designed into the Evoluon which is a UFO-shaped building located in Eindhoven, designed for Philips's electrics as a Science & Technology Centre in 1966. The people in the picture set the scale of the work.
This set was actually quite large: the team took three arctic lorries to the Netherlands and put this huge set that I designed into the Evoluon which is a UFO-shaped building located in Eindhoven, designed for Philips's electrics as a Science & Technology Centre in 1966. The people in the picture set the scale of the work.